
Monday, 26 November 2018


hey readers i am going to learn  about canada .the catipal of canada is ottawa .the population of canada is 36.71 million .the weather in january is 8c.the map of canada looks like this...

at timaru there

Monday, 12 November 2018

cooper,s blog.

in cybersmart today we were looking at cooper,s blog cooper shared some private imformation  which is stuff you should,nt share if you share private imformation you might be robbed.the oppisite of private imformation is personal imformation .
here is a link to cooper ,s blog to check out !

Thursday, 1 November 2018

the butterfly lady visit .

 the butterfly lady visitthe butterfly lady visit

Friday the butterfly came to visit she taught us about caterpillars and butterflies here are some things I learned.
I hope you like it.